Wood Boiler

Types of Wood Boiler Available in Market
Indoor Wood Boilers
Outside Wood Boilers
Wood Burner Boilers
How to Buy Wood Burner Boilers?
Gasification Wood Boiler
Coal Boilers
Benefits of the Wood Boiler
Is the Wood Boiler Safe?
How to Use Indoor Wood Boilers Safely?

A lot of people prefer to use indoor wood boilers for their heating purposes because of the high costs of other domestic fuel options, such as gas and electricity. The components used for indoor wood boiler to provide heat are used wooden logs or pellets; this just proves that the boiler is very affordable. Wood is an easily available natural resource, especially in suburban and rural areas. Wood boilers are cost effective, easy to use, and also environment friendly because they are unable to produce any hazardous effects to the environment. Knowing how to use indoor wood boiler will also ensure that the boiler will lasts long.
Since indoor wood burning boilers are usually smaller than outdoor boilers, they are simpler to use and maintain. You just have to make sure that every time you used it, you also clean it to assure its efficiency and performance to produce heat. Cleaning is one of the most important things that you should not forget to ensure the reliability and durability of your indoor wood burning boiler. It also needs to be inspected to avoid problems especially boiler breakdowns. The indoor wood boiler price is very reasonable that’s why, more and more people who wants to have a heating system at home prefers to have this type of boiler at home.
Normally, indoor wood burning boiler has a cabinet, a sealed fire pot where the woods are burnt to generate heat, a blower or distribution fan to distribute the air, and a flue or chimney to vent out smoke and other hot gases. These parts are very essential to the performance of the wood boiler thus it needs to be check from time to time to ensure safety. When you are using this type of boiler, you need to check if the heating system is functioning properly to avoid problems.
Advantages of Outside Wood Boiler

An outdoor wood boiler is a boiler kept out of home and provides heat through a boiler system instead of direct heat from an indoor boiler. Outdoor wood boiler is an efficient and effective boiler as one may prefer to heat the homes with wood and without the inconveniences of more common propane, natural gas or electric alternatives. Here are the advantages of outdoor wood boiler.
1. An outdoor wood boiler provides immediate and long term benefits. Because it has several heating options, it will help you to save a lot on the monthly bills. An outside wood boiler has the capacity to heat several buildings at once, including a standalone garage, a shed, or a higher-rated furnace and good insulation-multiple homes. The good thing about this boiler is that it is free from fire risks.
2. Another advantage of using outside wood boiler is that it eliminates one more fire hazard from the home. For better safety, one has to be sure to choose a model that has fail-safes for pressure, loss of electricity, and flash burning. A good outdoor wood furnace or boiler should be safer than many other heating sources, but a low-end furnace can expose you to unnecessary risks.
3. Much of the wood needed for outdoor wood burning furnaces comes from trees downed by storms and trees with limited life spans. It just proves that it is very economical and environment-friendly as harvesting these trees allows new forest to grow and reduce the risk of forest fire. Plus, there will be no smoke, ashes or wood storage in the house.
4. The boiler maintenance of outside wood boiler is also very simple than indoor boiler. To be able to make sure that your boiler will last long, you need to provide the proper maintenance.
The Benefits of Using Wood Burner Boilers

Due to the high cost of heating oil, many people are now interested in purchasing wood burner boilers. A wood burning boiler burns clean, without the presence of a lot of smoke and ash. Aside from this, it doesn’t release excess harmful emissions into the environment like fossil fuels. While all wood burning heating devices produce smoke when starting, clean wood burning boilers will reach low emission levels within a few minutes.
Wood burner boiler is sometimes referred to as wood-fired hydronic heating systems. This simply means that it burns wood to heat water that in turn, generates heat that is used in radiant heating or forced air heating systems. Wood burners are able to receive a lot of positive feedback from many people who are using it because of its features and advantages.
Here are some of the benefits of using wood burning boilers.
- By using wood boilers, you are assured that you are protected from volatile fuel prices.
- This type of boilers are environmentally friendly as burning wood adds no net carbon to our environment. Even though wood burning boilers and furnaces release CO2, it is no more than if the trees would’ve been left in the forest and released CO2 in the decaying process. Burning oil on the contrary, releases gasses that would have remained buried deep inside the earth. It only proves to show that woods boilers are less harmful to the surroundings. Plus, it reduces environmental impacts since the wood is a fully renewable resource as compared to other heating alternatives.
- Wood Burner boilers also offer efficiency and they are reliable source of heat. The firebrick liner in the firebox of the boiler can retain heat so the wood boiler re-fires on demand that ensures that you have the heat you need when you need it.
How to Buy Wood Burner Boilers?

Wood burner boilers are excellent alternatives to traditional heating methods that’s why more and more people are becoming interested of acquiring one. Plus, you do not have to worry if electric, oil and natural gas prices continue to rise because wood burning furnaces and boilers are inexpensive and very efficient alternative. However, wood burner boilers are not available at traditional retailers but many wood heating companies offer their services online. Here are the things that you can do to be able to buy a wood burner boiler.
1. To be able to find the best burner boiler, you need to check various websites that discuss or deals with alternative heating and wood pellet boilers suppliers. By doing this, you’ll get to have an idea about the wood burner boiler.
2. Then, once you found the website, you have to browse and read the contents to find a model that fits your needs. Smaller models are best for homes, larger models for small businesses that require heating larger areas. Most wood burning boilers can effectively heat at least a midsize home by churning and boiling wood product in a highly pressurized mechanism that then disperses heat through your house’s normal heat piping system. Plus, many models have different aesthetic feels, which you might need to consider.
3. Once you found the best burner, you can compare models on different websites to find the best deal and the cheapest one. A lot of websites offer price-saving guarantees against common electric, oil and natural gas heaters.
4. Aside from this, many models also qualify for tax rebate options called boiler scrappage especially when you purchase wood burner boiler. You should look for these deals to help you save money in the long run. Quality models often run in the thousands of dollars, but wood pellets, which a small wood-yard byproduct which can be purchased from most boiler suppliers and any standard lumber shop are extremely affordable.
What is a Gasification Wood Boiler?

A wood gasification boiler is a central heating boiler system that produces its useful heat through combustion of wood gas. This generator gas is produced by the thermal transformation of wood fuel the. The wood fuel is first converted to gas then the resulting charcoal is also converted to gas. In addition, wood gasification boilers are different from a standard wood boiler because they both have dissimilar combustion process. In a standard wood boiler, direct combustion of the wood fuel takes place while in a wood gasification boiler. Combustion of wood-gas takes place following thermal conversion of the wood fuel to gas.
Features of the Gasification Wood Boiler
Here are the features of the heating boiler that you should know:
- Wood gasification boilers has an automatic cycling on and off in response to heating or hot water demand.
- The domestic hot water coil provides abundant quantities of hot water.
- Wood gasification boilers are exceptionally safe and clean burning. The use of dense refractory material cast into specific shapes causes complete combustion to occur at temperatures of up to 2000° F.
- When operated properly in the gasification mode, visible smoke is eliminated and creosote formation inside the chimney is prevented.
- The large cyclone separator of the wood boiler can remove most of the fly ash that results in very
low emission. - Features as spontaneous re-ignition of the wood that occurs after an off period of 2-4 hours. Re-ignition will depend on the refractory temperatures.
- The good thing about gasification wood boiler is that it has automatic fuel delivery systems that are available for wood waste products such as sawdust, shavings, woodchips and dense biomass. These are designed more for industrial/commercial applications rather than residential.
- Adapts to new or existing hot air systems through the use of a heat convection coil.
- The design can maintain all heated walls at the same temperature just by using a water wall. The constant temperature eliminates stress fractures that are caused by the differences in temperature between components of the boiler and as a result, it increases its life.
What are Coal Boilers?

Boilers are found to be very helpful when it comes to providing heat to many homes especially during winter seasons. Coal boiler is a type of boiler that many people use because it is very affordable and efficient. Coal boilers are very ideal for heating any part of the house. In fact, it can provide heat even to the water used in the bath tub and wash rooms. This is usually called a coal combi boiler. Depending on the capacity of the boiler, a boiler coal can also heat the kitchen, recreational rooms and even the pool if you like with faster heat up time and for lesser cost.
The piece of technology used for this great invention is so good that even people who don’t know anything about thermodynamics can utilize it. The design of this wood boiler will guarantee every homeowner that they will be able to obtain the heat that they need during cold nights. Manufacturers assure customers that the coal boilers they produce are highly-engineered to make sure that they will last long.
As a proof, those companies who produce boilers are able to improve the engineering procedure of their boilers. For example, their boiler coals features 2000-degree firebrick, and heavy cast-iron grates and doors for increased longevity and performance. This just proves that the manufacturers of boiler coals are really working hard to be able to provide only the finest boilers for you.
A lot of people use boiler coal because of its standout features and unique advantages. The coal boiler will allow you to save more because of its solid-fuel heating capacity. A lot of manufacturers are able to provide different types of boilers depending on people’s needs. Boiler manufacturers understand every homeowner’s need to have a long-lasting boiler at home. That’s why they make sure that every coal boiler they introduced in the market is really reliable and dependable.
Benefits of the Wood Boiler
The wood boiler is a new technology used in residential heating and sometimes this is also called as the outside wood boiler or outside wood furnace. The wood boiler is more appropriate to be installed outdoors so that it can never affect the indoor air quality. Aside from providing heat, this can also be used as an alternative stove to most homes. The wood boiler works by producing heat outdoors then transferring the heat via underground boiler tube directly connected inside the home. When the hot water is driven from the wood boilers to the home, an existing furnace catches the heat and distributes it in the entire home.
Is the Wood Boiler Safe?

To avoid any impending accidents, you should install your wood boiler outside your home. This ensures that the risks of accidental fire can be avoided. Furthermore, you lower the chance of causing a negative impact in the indoor air quality of your home.
Trim Your Energy Unsafe
Using wood burner boilers can help your cut down your energy usage at home. Since wood is a renewable source of fuel, this also shows that having a wood boiler is better for the environment than using other types of fuel. And since the wood boiler will be installed outdoors, the indoor environment will not change and it will still be as comfortable to stay in as before.
Multiple Functions
The wood boiler can work as a wood stove too that is why it won’t only be providing heat for your home it will also be a good alternative for your gas stove in case the main stove fails. Due to this, you have multiple functions for only a single device.